轻描淡写的第一视角也掩盖不住这个故事的紧张斯诺登比我想象中冷静、沉稳得多当人跟现代的政府处于相对立场的时候世纪友谊影城排片表真的有种me against the world的感觉某种程度上来说我第一次对媒体和记者产生了敬意比起我从小到大接触到的媒体电影里的Glenn才是很多人志愿成为的那种记者
one day of all last, stubbing from the dark woods from my own, my family and my country’s past, in my hands is truth, that love grows from forgiveness, that from destruction comes renovation, that the evidence of gods exists in our connections to one another. This much, at least, I figured out. I know this much is true.